Monday, 21 January 2008

Final DVD Cover

The Fifth film from cult director Joel Lanza ('Bulldog', 'Night of the Reaper') 'Rupture', is one of this year's most thrilling and poignant films. Focusing on one sister's revenge, 'Rupture' tells the story of two sisters trying to make a fresh start in Central London after the death of their parents. Everything seems to be going well, until a tragic act of brutality by a gang of thugs results in the death of the younger of the two. The eldest, Jasmine (Nicola Forelli- 'The Puppeteer', 'Away from L.A.'), seeks to avenge her sister on a journey that will take her deep into the seedy underbelly of London.

Lanza's finset film to date, 'Rupture' has shocked and wowed audiences, even picking up the 2008 Palme d'Or.

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