Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Analysis of Filmsite

I think the memento website is very clever and ties in with the film in a way that I haven't seen another films site do. To start with, the fact that the website is memento backwards (otnemem) ties in with the film which is set backwards; like the site name.

The front page of the website shows the nam of the film in capitals, the date the film comes out and site options set against a close up of a burning book. This doesn't give too much away to the person viewing the site but raises enigmatic questions such as 'why is the book burning?' and the only way to answer the question is to watch the film.

Entering the HTML site you see the letters spelling out memento apperaring from right to left with the sound of a picture being taken. Eerie music is also played to make the viewer of the website feel uncomfortable and to set a mysterious mood to the site. However, if you hover over the image the sentence 'some memories are best forgotten' appears incorporating the letters used to spell out memento. You then hear a man (the main character) say 'the world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes does it' which intrigues the viewer to find out what it means and who the person who's speaking is. It turns out to be a quote from the film. You then hear a sound (possibly a closing door) getting louder as if it's coming towards you and a shout from the man who just spoke.

After the shout, this newspaper article appears as if it's coming towards you on screen. The newspaper article gives the viewer background information of the film and intrigues them without revealing the plot. The newspaper has word links such as 'body', 'suspicious', 'Leonard', 'photographs', 'revenge', 'local' and 'forgetful.' These links lead to photos, hand written scrawls and typed documents all relating to the film but not giving too much away. The aim is to make prospective audiences watch the film and to give those who have already watched the film, a deeper understanding of the plot.

When clicking on revenge notes like this come up along with things like death reports etc. This makes viewers of the site who have not yet seen the film wonder about the reasoning behind these documents and what relevance they have to the plot. Notes like the one above are very clever because they aren't used in the film at all because they give the viewer an idea of what happened before Leonard started his 'mission.' Also, the fact that we never find out who wrote this note puts us in the main character Leonard's position so we relate more to his character and sympathise with him.

Notes like this make the audience wonder who the writer was (Leonard or somebody else trying to trick him?). This note is very enigmatic because it makes the prospective question what this man has done and why his facts are being written down on paper. Also, the facts are very vague meaning we sympathise more with the character trying to find this man as he doesn't have much to go on and we have already established that he has a memory problem.

-I chose to analyse the memento film site because I thought it was very original in it's layout making it interesting and because in my opinion it captured the films essence perfectly.

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