Wednesday, 17 October 2007

The Four narrative Theories

Applied to 'Jackie Brown'

Levi-Stauss-Binary Opposites
(Elements in a story plot are paired in opposition)
e.g. Law vs. Underworld
Masculine vs. Feminine
Rich vs. Poor
Black Culture vs. White Culture
Friends vs. Enemies

Todorov-Narrative Structure
(The idea that equilibrium is disrupted and restored)
  • Equilibrium= Jackie works as a poorly paid air stewardess and acts as a courier for Ordell
  • Equilibrium disrupted by the Police searching Jackie's bag
  • The plot......
  • New Equilibrium restored by Jackie setting up Ordell who gets killed by the police.
  • Jackie leaves with the money
Barthes- Action and Enigma Codes
(Answers and Questions. )
Action Codes- plot events leading to others.
  1. What will the resolution be to the police searching Jackie's bag?
  2. Who will end up with the money?
  3. Will Jackie and Max get together in the end?
Enigma Codes-elements of the plot that raise questions.
  1. Where has the money in Jackie's bag come from?
  2. Why does Jackie leave 'the bag of money' in the changing room?
  3. Why does Ordell turn the light off when he's talking to Jackie
Propp-Character Types
(The 8 character roles common to every folk/fairy tale)

The Villain- Ordell
The Hero- Jackie
The Helper- max
The Donor- ?
The Princess- ?
Her Father -?
The Dispatcher -?
The False Hero -?

--> This film was interesting as it seemed to break Propp's rules which leaves the audience feeling confused as to how to categorise the characters.

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