Wednesday, 7 November 2007

The Departed (incomplete)

First 10 minutes

One of Martin Scorsese's earlier films. In "The Departed", we see the typical Cop vs. Gangster relationship but with a twist; the race to uncover the moles who have infiltrated the Police force and the mob. This makes sure the audience aren't too unnerved, but adds excitement to what would be a very conventional film. It's also such a simple idea that I'm surprised other writers haven't focused their films on this sort of plot. I find it interesting how i was inclined to take the side of the gangsters over the cops and the overall message of the film to me is summed up in this quote "When I was growing up, they would say you could become cops or criminals. But what I'm saying is this. When you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?" which sets the tone for the rest of the movie. Throughout the film, it becomes difficult for the audience to distinguish between the 'bad' and the 'good.' Scorsese seems to sit on the fence and does not seem to persuade you who is right or who is wrong and is basically saying at the end of the day, what difference is it going to make?

The movie opens showing the racial unrest and protests of 1960s Boston, suggesting a political metaphor which in fact is not followed throughout the rest of the film. You could say what's happening in the opening sequence has nothing to do with the plot of the film. However, it sets the time and the city in which the film will be situated in therefore giving the audience the background of the film.

"The Departed" is a remake of the Hong Kong blockbuster "Infernal Affairs" and i feel Scorsese had done an excellent job of modernising the story and tweaking it so the audience can relate to it more. However, many people find the psychological tension to be much higher in the original.

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