I decided to do some research into the filming locations used in some of Mr Quentin Tarantino's movies...

Pulp Fiction
The film starts and ends in the above diner. i think it's an interesting place to set a thriller/ black comedy hybrid as it seems to be a quite a normal place. There is nothing dark or mysterious about it e.g. the house used in 'Psycho.' This is clever as it means that perhaps the audience can relate to what's happening more easily.

Reservoir Dogs
The majority of this film is set in an old deserted warehouse which I've done some research into and found out the warehouse was once a mortuary. This follows the typical conventions of the thiller genre e.g. isolation. The interior of the warehouse is quite dank, seems unused and decor gives the auedience the idea of a prison or of criminal activity.

Jackie Brown
A lot of the 'exciting activity' or whatever you'd like to call it takes place in a shopping centre. We see the same time period a number of times (i think 3 but don't hold me to that) from diferent characters in the story points of view in order to understand why things happen e.g. why Jackie leaves the money in the changing room. The first time you see it is very confusing but as it is replayed again and again from different points of view, the audience understand. I think it is an interesting place to shoot a film as it is a very normal place, full of people making the stealing of the money more interesting.
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