Friday, 23 November 2007

Individual Contribution to Avoiding Problems

The 5 things i can do to make sure shooting runs smoothly are...
  1. Encourage people to speak their mind--> If no one says what they think then no one else will know there's something wrong and resentment will build up resulting in pointless arguments.
  2. Keep the group focused --> Stop time-wasting as much as possible and make sure everyone in the group knows we're on a tight schedule.
  3. Assigning Jobs --> Make sure 'fun' and 'boring' jobs get shared out equally between group members so everything is fair.
  4. If I'm supposed to bring anything on shoot weekends, I must make sure I check I have everything I need before I leave.
  5. Losing my patience --> When things don't go my way I must learn to compromise and understand that everyones ideas are equal and therefore deserve to be heard.

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